The wonderful thing about doing an FI (Functional Integration session: hands-on one-to-one) for an actor is that they are usually already half way there. If they are a student they are hungry to learn so they come really ready to learn something. If they are a seasoned professional they probably only come when they are in pain unless they already know the value of this work – but if they are open they simply can’t help learning something more along the way. I defy any truly curious actor not to get interested when they start to feel in vivid detail more of what they are doing and get a sniff of what else they could do as well. Continue reading “No, that actor is not on drugs: they’ve just had a Feldenkrais lesson”
Moshe Feldenkrais, Jigaro Kano Sensei and Judo
As a lowly student of GoJu Ryu karate its going to take me some time before I have anything sensible to say about relationship of Feldenkrais and Karate. Its not perhaps as obvious a relationship as Judo or even Aikido but there will be things to say I am sure of it.
moishe feldenkrais, judo master
Continue reading “Moshe Feldenkrais, Jigaro Kano Sensei and Judo”
Walking With Ease Workshop Jan 27th
There is a lot of emphasis around at the moment on being stronger in a muscular sense. In general if someone comes to see me they tend to say ‘I am not strong enough’, ‘my back is weak’, ‘my core is weak’ as an explanation for whatever it is they are having difficulty with. We also have a very exercise oriented culture in which things need to be done ‘strongly’ and nothing is any good unless you are using lots of effort and working very hard.
Now I should lay my cards on the table at this point and say there is nothing wrong with exercise and nothing wrong with using lots of effort and working very hard. Continue reading “Walking With Ease Workshop Jan 27th”
Feldenkrais, movement and creativity.
Someone recently asked me about the relationship of movement to creativity. She had chosen to write something about it for a course. Interesting question. It has stayed with me for quite a while and there are so many ways you can think about it. Here are a few that came to mind and how Feldenkrais relates to them. Continue reading “Feldenkrais, movement and creativity.”
What does ‘flexibility impairs economy of running’ actually mean?
The researchers since the mid 90s have decided that flexibility impairs economy of performance in running. They have tested it. And that’s what they have found. Or that is what I read according to sports scientists I respect. Continue reading “What does ‘flexibility impairs economy of running’ actually mean?”
with Victoria Worsley FG(UK)
Being able to run further or faster involves strength and endurance training. Of course it does. However, being able to run more easily, economically and without injury is not only a matter of strength it is also a matter of how you do it. Continue reading “WORKSHOPS IN RUNNING TECHNIQUE FEB 2013”
new short video of a one-to-one session
Very nice little video giving a good idea of the kind of thing a one-to-one Feldenkrais hands-on session is (Functional Integration). Andy Dawson made it, Scott Clark does the FI and its shot in myl ittle studio. really gives the feel of the story of it. great.
3 Workshops ‘to make life easier at home and work’: No 1: Sitting
So having done workshops on things like strength and movement development over the last year, I thought it was time to go back to some fundamental activities. The kinds of things we do every day: sit, walk, use our arms. These kind of workshops are a great way in if you are new to the method because they relate so directly to every day needs, but they are also great themes even if you have done a lot of the method because there is always another layer of learning, of awareness, of improvement. The first one in October is around sitting. Continue reading “3 Workshops ‘to make life easier at home and work’: No 1: Sitting”