I put this up on my Facebook page a while ago but it needs to be here on this blog too. I think it is a fabulous piece – so important, and in its difference to prevalent ideas about correcting and ‘getting it right’.  Sheryl Field is so beautifully eloquent on this point . Crucial for everyone I have had to put it up on both general and acting and performance – but of course it would be a truly radical idea for sports!  ‘to correct is incorrect’

Finding Neutral

The other day an acting student asked if Feldenkrais helps by enabling you to find ‘neutral’ and then whether you could use Feldenkrais for character work too.  In a sense the answer is simply ‘yes’ and ‘yes’ but there was something in the question itself that brought me up short. I am not sure this is really what he meant, but underneath the question I felt an assumption that the job was finding neutral and then finding a character from there. Its an assumption I have noticed before and would like to challenge. Continue reading “Finding Neutral”