- WEEKLY CLASSES ARE ON-GOING Online and in-person
Scroll down on schedule page for all details - BOOKING NOW OPEN FOR:
– 1 WORKSHOP 4 ACTORS at SCRUM 5th April
– 2 ONLINE WORKSHOPS 4 EVERYONE 11th May and 6th July
(see schedule page for info and booking)
- Order your copy of my book ‘Feldenkrais for Actors’ at a discount direct from the publishers here.
Drop-in classes and more, so you can do as much or as little as you wish.
There are lots of wonderful tastes of Feldenkrais online – little videos and short audio lessons. You can always dip your toe in and try. I have some of those up on my website (scroll down to resources) and vimeo too.
Yes, the Feldenkrais Method can be a delicious, refreshing pool to dip in, but is also a wide deep ocean that keeps giving new insights, learning and development over days, weeks, months, years for those who wish to explore it. It can bring great benefit or relief quickly – immediately even, for some. But it is also a profound practice whose greatest gifts may accumulate and be revealed over time. Continue reading “DIP IN OR DEEP DIVE INTO FELDENKRAIS”
Weekly class themes for March-May 2025
(return to schedule page for costs and booking)
to free the neck, shoulders and even hip joints!
Many of us don’t have a clear sense of our rib cage, let alone its potential mobility and the key part it plays in enabling easy movement of our shoulders, arms, neck and yes, even hip joints (let alone breathing)
We will take the time to explore and discover its crucial role for our movement and well-being.
Mondays 7.30-8. 30pm (UK) ON ZOOM
Tuesdays 7.45 – 8.45pm at The Haelan Centre, London, N8 (side entrance)
We walk using more of ourselves than feet and legs: shoulders, arms, as well as the twisting, bending movements of the whole torso are involved to generate ease and power. Exploring the whole picture in detail can give us an easier, longer stride, with better balance – so you can get out there and enjoy the approach of spring!
Wednesdays 10-11am (UK) on ZOOM
The two go together. When either balance or ‘posture’ becomes an issue, we are likely to switch on any muscles that keep us upright – at any cost. And we usually have very individual and entrenched habits regarding this, some of which may not turn out to be serving us so well – (or could always do with an update or refinement). Even for the youngsters. A theme of fundamental importance, it has a knock on everything we do, right down to how we breathe and our sense of well-being.
Fridays: 1.30-2.30pm at The Crouch End Fitness Centre, London N8
ATM classes Jan&Feb 2025
Details and Themes for Jan/Feb 2025
Mon 7.30pm (UK)
drop-in £10
Tues 7.45pm
Haelan Centre
London N8
£72 for 6
(occasional ad hoc availability)
requires booking
Theme: ‘Longer Hamstrings or Longer Reach?’
This classic flexibility test of touching your toes shows up that is not just about stretching your hamstrings, but how you use every part of yourself to reach, lengthen and fold. There is plenty here to explore and improve in untraditional ways that have more to do with skill and agility than just stretching.
Weds 10am (UK)
Drop-in £10
email for links
Theme: ‘Lying to Standing’
Taking a gradual, detailed and exploratry approach, we can make these fundamental transitions from lying to sitting and stting to standing easier, smoother and more efficient to improve the quality of your art, sport, training – and life.
Fri 1.30pm
Crouch End FItness Centre
London N8
Drop-In £10
Pay at reception on arrival, or book via the venue’s app
Theme: ‘Improving Hips, Knees, Feet’
Well-functioning hips, knees and feet are fundamental to our mobility and stability. We can improve fluidity, ease, balance and power through the detailed exploration of our habitual self-use, as well as a variety of new possibilities in these classic awareness through movement lessons.
Covid world: heading on-line!
Just a tiny post now we in the UK are really in Covid19 world, especially in London, with everything face-to-face cancelled and at least a partial shut down just a few hours away probably.
I’m so sorry not to be able to see you all face to face until the other side of this.
However I am in the process of learning to do zoom and will be resuming classes on zoom next week or the week after.
I am thinking what other resources I can offer on-line during this time, including whether it is possible to do mini workshops, and even some one-to-one sessions for those interested. Give me a little time to adjust and check back in. I will be sending out emails when I done too, so do sign up to my mailchimp list or email me to do it for you if you want up-to-date information.
My heart goes out to all who are more at risk, I have many around me too. If there is a silver lining to this weird Covid world, we can at least find new ways to communicate, work, and get inventive with our slower pace of life.
More to come in virtual land.
Stay safe and stay in touch.
COVID-19 Update: Primum Non Nocere
As of writing this is a difficult situation to navigate. I read authoritative articles that tell me to keep a sense of proportion, that the media are blowing this up and that give reasons we are not the same as Italy. I also read authoritative articles that say our government is being irresponsible by not bringing in stronger measures, cares only for the economy and is happy to let people die.
covid19 policy for your sessions from March 2020
As of writing there are only 300+ confirmed cases in the UK and we have to keep in mind that for most people this is a mild disease with good, often quick recovery (which the press is not so interested in reporting). However with the possibility of it spreading quite quickly and the fact that many of my clients are in high-risk groups I started taking precautions last week which I will set out here. I can not guarantee your safety obviously but I can do my best: Continue reading “covid19 policy for your sessions from March 2020”
A Sense of Safety (1) – a short article written for the Feldenkrais Guild Newsletter, March 2019
Over 12 years of teaching the Feldenkrais Method I have come to realise how much the ability to breathe and move freely and not feel the need to push, strain, brace or pull oneself together tightly depends significantly on our fundamental sense of safety. Whether it is through many little experiences, a persistent condition, injury or major trauma, many of us discover at some point that we are vulnerable. Continue reading “A Sense of Safety (1) – a short article written for the Feldenkrais Guild Newsletter, March 2019”