• All weekly classes (in-person and online) start again from Friday 6th September 2024 incl. see schedule page for details and  new themes!
    (Please note no online class on Weds 18th Sept)
  • Autumn workshops 2024
    LAST CALL FOR October 13th 3hr online workshop
     IN-PERSON WORKSHOP in London on Nov 16th
    ADVANCED  TRAINING for newer and returning practitioners in London Feb 8-9th 2025
  • Order your copy of my book ‘Feldenkrais for Actors’ at a discount direct from the publishers here.
  • Want to keep up with what I am doing? Join my mailing list


Drop-in classes and more, so you can do as much or as little as you wish.

There are  lots of wonderful tastes of Feldenkrais online – little videos and short audio lessons. You can always dip your toe in and try. I have some of those up on my website (scroll down to resources) and vimeo  too.

Yes, the Feldenkrais Method can be a delicious, refreshing pool to dip in, but is also a wide deep ocean that keeps giving new insights, learning and development over days, weeks, months, years for those who wish to explore it. It can bring great benefit or relief quickly – immediately even, for some. But it is also a profound practice whose greatest gifts may accumulate and be revealed over time. Continue reading “DIP IN OR DEEP DIVE INTO FELDENKRAIS”

Covid world: heading on-line!

Just a tiny post now we in the UK are really in Covid19  world, especially in London, with everything face-to-face cancelled and at least a partial shut down just a few hours away probably.

I’m so sorry not to be able to see you all face to face until the other side of this.
However I am in the process of learning to do zoom and will be resuming classes on zoom next week or the week after.

I am thinking what other resources I can offer on-line during this time, including whether it is possible to do mini workshops, and even some one-to-one sessions for those interested. Give me a little time to adjust and check back in. I will be sending out emails when I done too, so do sign up to my mailchimp list or email me to do it for you if you want up-to-date information.

My heart goes out to all who are more at risk, I have many around me too.  If there is a silver lining to this weird Covid world, we can at least find new ways to communicate, work, and get inventive with our slower pace of life.

More to come in virtual land.

Stay safe and stay in touch.

COVID-19 Update: Primum Non Nocere

As of writing this is a difficult situation to navigate. I read authoritative articles that tell me to keep a sense of proportion, that the media are blowing this up and that give reasons we are not the same as Italy. I also read authoritative articles that say our government is being irresponsible by not bringing in stronger measures, cares only for the economy and is happy to let people die.

Continue reading “COVID-19 Update: Primum Non Nocere”

covid19 policy for your sessions from March 2020

As of writing there are only 300+ confirmed cases in the UK and we have to keep in mind that for most people this is a mild disease with good, often quick recovery (which the press is not so interested in reporting). However with the possibility of it spreading quite quickly and the fact that many of my clients are in high-risk groups I started taking precautions last week which I will set out here. I can not guarantee your safety obviously but I can do my best: Continue reading “covid19 policy for your sessions from March 2020”

A Sense of Safety (1) – a short article written for the Feldenkrais Guild Newsletter, March 2019

Over 12 years of teaching the Feldenkrais Method I have come to realise how much the ability to breathe and move freely and not feel the need to push, strain, brace or pull oneself together tightly depends significantly on our fundamental sense of safety.  Whether it is through many little experiences, a persistent condition, injury or major trauma, many of us discover at some point that we are vulnerable. Continue reading “A Sense of Safety (1) – a short article written for the Feldenkrais Guild Newsletter, March 2019”

HOW DID YOU LEARN TO MOVE? Developing Agility: workshop April 28th 2018

Feldenkrais Method workshop with Victoria Worsley
Saturday 28th April 10.30-4.30, £70/60conc
Dharma Shala, 92-94 Drummond Street, Euston, London NW1 2HN

Important: you don’t have to have done the previous workshops in the series – Each of these three workshops is valuable on its own. This is a purely practical and experiential exploration, using Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons.

Who is this workshop for?

  • Anyone from any walk of life of any age wanting to improve their own comfort, ease and agility.
  • An amateur or professional athlete, martial artist, free runner, dancer, acrobat, movement or sports coach interested in the fundamentals for and development of agility
  • A new Mum or Dad curious about their child’s early learning or a professional working with children’s movement and development

Continue reading “HOW DID YOU LEARN TO MOVE? Developing Agility: workshop April 28th 2018”

BLACK BELT: cross-motivation

20161216_220354It takes quite some commitment to be knocking on the door of shodan (1st degree black belt). And as the test approaches I find I am STILL asking myself why, as a rather small 50 year-old woman – and especially as a Feldenkrais Teacher – I find myself so committed to a hard martial art as challenging as Goju Ryu karate. I have seen enough people come and go and felt the difficulty of staying with it keenly enough to know that it does really mean something – if only about me!

“Don’t you think it might be time to gently let go of Karate now?” says my own beloved Feldenkrais Practitioner as I lie on his table bruised and exhausted from blacking out and apparently breaking my fall with my chin and mouth. Continue reading “BLACK BELT: cross-motivation”