The other day an acting student asked if Feldenkrais helps by enabling you to find ‘neutral’ and then whether you could use Feldenkrais for character work too. In a sense the answer is simply ‘yes’ and ‘yes’ but there was something in the question itself that brought me up short. I am not sure this is really what he meant, but underneath the question I felt an assumption that the job was finding neutral and then finding a character from there. Its an assumption I have noticed before and would like to challenge. Continue reading “Finding Neutral”
Feldenkrais and ‘sciatica’
I am often asked ‘can Feldenkrais help Sciatica?’ or ‘do you have experience with sciatica?’ And as it is around a lot I thought I would write something about it since it can also help illustrate more generally how a Feldenkrais Teacher might approach an issue like that. Continue reading “Feldenkrais and ‘sciatica’”
Playing Characters with ‘Conditions’!
I had a great day with some of the actors up at the New Vic Theatre in Newcastle Under Lyme recently. They are doing the new Alecky Blythe play “Where Have I Been All My Life?” a very interesting ‘reality theatre’ piece based on interviews with contestants in Stoke’s Talent show of 2010 from teenagers to retired miners. Continue reading “Playing Characters with ‘Conditions’!”
Feldenkrais for voice
I am often asked about Feldenkrais for voice: does it help? Yes of course. That’s the short answer. It tends to be actors who ask but also singers, teachers, public speakers and recently a trainee priest but it could be anyone: we all use our voices. Continue reading “Feldenkrais for voice”
How do we actually learn in a Feldenkrais lesson?
I was teaching the first part of a series of three workshops this weekend and someone asked me some very good questions. They went something like “How do you know what the movement you are being asked for is meant to be? Continue reading “How do we actually learn in a Feldenkrais lesson?”
The Pleasure of Running
When I say I run for pleasure some people know what I mean but most people look at me as if I am a bit crazy. For them it is a painful task that must be completed to feel good afterwards and keep them fit. Continue reading “The Pleasure of Running”
The Importance of A Supple Chest
Continual Professional Development has become a real buzz term and is a requirement of many professions. I have been asking myself what it means in relation to artistic professions, especially acting. Of course artists don’t come in for this kind of regulation(!) – and mostly that makes sense because its not the same. Continue reading “The Importance of A Supple Chest”
How Feldenkrais helps Running
I went to a day of the UKSEM (sports exercise and medicine) conference a few weeks ago and it has been churning round in my head since then. A really interesting exciting day. It was encouraging that over and over speakers said that the best way of training Continue reading “How Feldenkrais helps Running”