3 Workshops ‘to make life easier at home and work’: No 1: Sitting

So having done workshops on things like strength and movement development over the last year, I thought it was time to go back to some fundamental activities. The kinds of things we do every day: sit, walk, use our arms. These kind of workshops are a great way in if you are new to the method because they relate so directly to every day needs, but they are also great themes even if you have done a lot of the method because there is always another layer of learning, of awareness, of improvement. The first one in October is around sitting. Continue reading “3 Workshops ‘to make life easier at home and work’: No 1: Sitting”

I put this up on my Facebook page a while ago but it needs to be here on this blog too. I think it is a fabulous piece – so important, and in its difference to prevalent ideas about correcting and ‘getting it right’.  Sheryl Field is so beautifully eloquent on this point . Crucial for everyone I have had to put it up on both general and acting and performance – but of course it would be a truly radical idea for sports!  ‘to correct is incorrect’


On request, The Queens Park monthly Saturday Morning Feldenkrais on Jan 14th will be on the theme of FEET. It came up in the break this month because so much is going on with people’s feet, from crossing toes and over-pronation to plantar fasciitis. Continue reading “Feet”