- WEEKLY CLASSES ARE ON-GOING Online and in-person
Scroll down on schedule page for all details - BOOKING NOW OPEN FOR:
– 1 WORKSHOP 4 ACTORS at SCRUM 5th April
– 2 ONLINE WORKSHOPS 4 EVERYONE 11th May and 6th July
(see schedule page for info and booking)
- Order your copy of my book ‘Feldenkrais for Actors’ at a discount direct from the publishers here.
Drop-in classes and more, so you can do as much or as little as you wish.
There are lots of wonderful tastes of Feldenkrais online – little videos and short audio lessons. You can always dip your toe in and try. I have some of those up on my website (scroll down to resources) and vimeo too.
Yes, the Feldenkrais Method can be a delicious, refreshing pool to dip in, but is also a wide deep ocean that keeps giving new insights, learning and development over days, weeks, months, years for those who wish to explore it. It can bring great benefit or relief quickly – immediately even, for some. But it is also a profound practice whose greatest gifts may accumulate and be revealed over time. Continue reading “DIP IN OR DEEP DIVE INTO FELDENKRAIS”