Feldenkrais Resources


Find a teacher, classes, workshops and information at Feldenkrais Guild UK

Professional Practitioner Trainings:
1) Feldenkrais International Training Centre In Sussex
2) The London Professional FeldenkraisTraining (and Scott Clark’s website)

 Downloads,  DVDs and books can be discovered, browsed and ordered from eg David Zemach Bersin’s Feldenkrais Access  or Elizabeth Berringer’s  Feldenkrais Resources
you can take membership of Tiffany Sankary’s movement and creativity library  (look out for the ad hoc free access days!)
Youtube offers more than I can cover!

UK Feldenkrais Guild videos about the Feldenkrais Method:
1) one-to-one hands-on lessons (Functional Integration)
2) group classes (Awareness Through Movement)
3) another take on Awareness Through Movement
4) the violinist

Other videos explaining the method
‘How Does The Feldenkrais Method Help People?

Free on-line downloadable lessons
1) full length (50-60 mins) lessons recorded during live classes
2) short (10-30mins) specially recorded lessons by UK Guild

My own free audio lessons
1) ‘Hips and Round Kicks‘ a short lesson for martial artists
2) ‘Bones do It Better’ a short lesson on exploring skeletal connectivity and the ground to create movement
3) ‘A Sense of Safety’  
4)  ‘Feldenkrais for a Covid World’ (collection on vimeo):5 lessons for arms, chest, breath, eyes and more:
A growing page of Audio Lessons for actors: “Dynamic Posture”, “The Significance of a Soft Chest”, “Changing your Size” and more to come…

Feldenkrais-related Research
The most comprehensive list of Feldnkrais-related research is probably the one compiled by The Australian Guild (click on the name)

Another very good source for research is the IFF website
1) A good  list of feldenkrais research and articles sortable in different ways
2) The new Research Journal including great articles on how to do a case study (and lots of examples) science for beginners, the debate around research models and what its for (see especially Jim Stephens and Carl Ginsberg for differing views)