Below you will find:
-One-to-one sessions: in-person and online
-Weekly classes: 2 on zoom and 2 in the room
-Workshops : in person and online
for everyone, and for actors
-Ways to pay,
– Disclaimer
– A few free recordingsWant to keep up with what I’m doing?
join my mailing list!Please wear warm, loose clothes for all classes, workshops and individual hands-on sessions. If you would like to receive updates for up-coming workshops or new classes, please join my database here
Please note that if you book a one-to-one session or a series of 6 classes you must give 24 hours notice to cancel or postpone otherwise the full amount is payable.
ONE-TO-ONE: IN-PERSON (Functional Integration) in London N8, UK
I am currently open Tuesdays to Fridays.
Please wear: long trousers and long sleeves, loose enough to move (for your comfort on the table)
Covid protocol:
– you do not need to sign a form or wear a mask, but, as always, please do not come if you are unwell (even a sniffle) or might be coming down with something.
-currently I still wear a mask if asked (except for children), ventilate the room between sessions and have a high grade air purifier (hepa filter).
COST: £70 (discount available for low income) Sessions last about an hour.
FI ‘INTENSIVE’ : 4 FIs within 5 days
For some people this might be an interesting way to work and could create the conditions for a burst of improvement. After all Dr Feldenkrais worked that way often. However, as this is a more intensive way of working it is not suitable for all. Please contact Victoria to discuss. This is about intensive working so only available as 4 sessions within 7 days. NB It is subject to availability so best to book at least 2 weeks in advance.
COST: same as 4 sessions but with a 10% discount, not as a ‘special offer’ as it is not suitable for everyone, but more to honour the difficulty of paying for several sessions in such a short time. (low income price can be discussed.)
Obviously this is not Functional Integration, because touch is not possible.
But some specific issues can be improved using tailored Awareness Through Movement.
COST: £65 for an hour
The classes are mostly drop-in and continuous with some holiday breaks – but there will be new themes for March-May which is what you see below.
‘Awareness Through Movement’ lessons offer you the opportunity to slow down and explore your own habits and patterns and to discover new possibilities and greater ease. Lessons can be small and detailed or larger and more dynamic.
These classes are stand alone so that you can drop-in as you wish (except Tuesday), but if you are able to come regularly you will get a more complete picture. The three themes interweave and overlap, so coming on more or different days works too.
The themes are often a bit more like starting points as I steer the choice and direction of lessons towards to the participants who come regularly, but that’s the advantage of a live weekly class rather than a fixed course!
Tuesdays 7.45 – 8.45pm The Haelan Centre (side entrance),
41 The Broadway, Crouch End London N8 8DT
£72 for 6 classes contact victoria to book.
£14 drop in when available
Booking/paying in advance for 6 classes is required where possible (a lesson can be postponed with 24 hours notice minimum), but occasionally there are drop-in spaces too.
Theme for March-May: “Unlocking the Chest”
Fridays: 1.30-2.30pm The Crouch End Fitness Centre,
Elmfield Avenue N8 8SG – Studio 2
£10, drop in (book online or pay on the day at reception)
Theme for March-May “Balance + Being Upright”
Monday 7.30-8.30pm (UK)
Theme for March-May: “Unlocking the Chest ” same as Tues.
Wednesday 10-11 am (UK)
Theme for March-May: “Walking with the Whole Self”
COST: £10.00 per class, drop-in
For Zoom/payment links: Please contact Victoria
Dr.Feldenkrais was an engineer, a physicist, one of the first judo black belts in the west and founder of the Judo club of France. He developed a comprehensive understanding how we can organise ourselves efficiently to take our support from the ground and through the constantly changing constelation of our skeletal structure in movement. And he has left us his own unique way to explore and learn it for ourselves, enabling better balance, fluidity, power along with an improved sense of support and potential agency in the world.
So much is there to be discovered, from the structure and use of the foot and hip joints in relation to the ground; the counterbalancing of different parts of ourselves in movement (right down to fine discriminations in twists and bends of the spine) to the delicate adjustments of the head that rights itself to help maintain a steady visual field.
It is an enormous arena of self-study that I am very much enjoying working with, but we will start with two 3 hour workshops and see where it takes us for future workshops (I already have some ideas!)
In the previous workshop we explored stepping onto and away from one leg. The lessons for this workshop are available as recordings if you wish, but it is not neccessary to do that workshop to join on March 9th.
In this workshop on March 9th, we will go back to the fundamentals:

how we first explored balance and counterbalance as we began to lift our head and limbs and to turn and reach and roll (movements that Feldenkrais also explored as one of the first judo black belts in the west). Then we will see how that translates to our experience when upright in gravity.
COST £35 (or £60 including a link to the recordings from Jan 26th as well as this one)
Links to the workshop recordings will be made available for a minimum of 6 months – incl in this price. (lessons only)
Book by emailing victoria
Sunday 11th May 2-5pm BST
“Balance and Support – the role of Feet and Hips” (Online)
Related to the same theme of Dynamic Balance and Stability in Motion, we will explore the structure and function of the feet and the hips in enabling balance and providing support in motion. Helfpul for your knees too as they are in between!
COST: £35 (including a link to the recording of the lessons for at least 6 months)
Book by emailing victoria
Thurs 27th Feb
Workshop for actors: John Wright x Victoria Worsley
How can you be powerful without trying, frail without acting?
What do we bring into the frame with us before we do anything?
With a unique combination of Feldenkrais movement explorations and archetypal masks, we’ll establish power and status. Through counter-mask we’ll mess about with undermining that status and find the comedy.
at: Scene and Heard, 128a Chalton St, London NW1 1RX
costs and booking with eventbrite
Sat 5th April 2025 3-hour workshop for actors at Scrum Theatre in West London DETAILS AND BOOKING TO COME
Nb please check details and do not pay me for any workshops hosted by others eg The John Wright School, Shapes in Motion (or advanced trainings abroad).
-via Paypal -address to use:
-via internet banking: please ask for details
The Feldenkrais Method is a learning method, inviting you to go gently, slowly and to feel and notice what you do and adapt – not to push, strain or try hard. Part of its aim is to enable you to take care of yourself rather than have to always rely on the outside intervention of a teacher.
Please note that while I do my best to keep students safe, classes are always at your own risk, especially online where I cannot see you as well as in-person. You will need to be able to get up and down from the floor (super slowly is fine!) and to lie on the floor.
If you have a medical condition and are unsure, please consult a doctor. For anything else please contact Victoria.
I have made a series of short lessons from 30-40 minutes long which are up on my vimeo and are embedded The lessons cover aspects of life that seemed important during the Lockdown, (and continue to be!). They were selected for being calming as well:
- eyes, hand, arms, shoulders, neck – for so much phone and computer use being online.
- breathing – we all need good lung capacity!
You will need enough space to lie down on the floor (on a mat or blanket). Have a towel or blanket that you can fold to put under your head if you need it rather than a soft cushion or pillow as these tend to prevent your head from moving.
Please be sure to do these lessons gently, carefully and stop if anything hurts or strains. I am not there to help keep you safe, so it will be up to you to look after yourself.
Lesson 1: Hands and EyesLesson 2: Softer Hands, Easier Shoulders
Lesson 3: Making Space for the Breath
Lesson 4: Corkscrew for the Ribs, Breath and Eyes
Lesson 5: See-Saw Breathing and Twisting